又是一幅被打 被警察害惨的样子
我们也无法认同 如果有人为了政治议程挑战警方的权限
我常在想 这可能是反对党的一个生存本钱
从早期的反对党领袖 到后期我们给予厚望的新生代
都一致的炒这一招 可能好卖吧
什么被警方打 什么警察局的食物不是人吃的
什么被警方撕烂衣服 等等
我常在想 什么大集会 什么小集会
如果正式通过申请 批准了后 会有这些问题吗
如果照正常的手续申请 警方不给又没有原因
不要再演这样的戏了 不要了
4 months ago
恭喜你啦! 出任全国组织秘书.要多多关照小弟啦!
槟州马华秘书处同仁也一齐向你道喜. 祝你步步高升, 官运亨通.
恭喜你! 出任全国组织秘书.步步高升, 官运亨通.要多多关照哦!!!!
hudoo sia ge,
the opposition said they against ISA,they action.How about MCA ? Only talking COCK !
Malaysian will never forget about ur new 2nd boss sex scandal incident,It was published worldwide,I read it fr India media(I were there)
Are you requesting project contract ?
blog with your conscience,don't bullshit,a peacefull vigil doesn't make harm to the public,MCA should learn fr the 308 lesson,attacking YBs from DAP won't win votes in GE.
BTW,do u think UMNO rule PDRM will issue the permit ?
To Wyman, Congrat! Its time to increase yr effort and contribution to the party and society, the post is a responsibility! not an honour or joke!
To Oic, pls dont be emotional, peaceful virgil wont harm public, but why dont abtain permit, why standby with recorders purposely to make monkey shows? I pity them if they are really bully, but planned show no way lah!
MCA 2nd boss has courage and sincererity on what he had done, personal attack only shows ur naif and inmanture thinking. Also pity Chong Eng, she is a real victim of DAP internal power corrupter, is this new image and leadership of DAP??? Lets think about it, i dont mean to hurt anybody!!!
OIC, may I assume that your frustration is probably accumulated over the years as a result of dissatisfaction with the administration of the country? It is human nature that over time, frustration tends to lead to dissatisfaction, anger and the lost of sense of reasoning. Under such circumstances, a person will choose to ignore the whole picture by resorting to any means that may justify his action. While I agree with you that DAP has made a lot of noise about ISA, MCA is equally vocal if not louder in expressing its disagreement with the use of ISA by the government. I suggest that you also surf MCA’s website to read more about our stand on ISA. In fact, we will be organizing a talk on ISA this evening (12/11) at 7.30pm at Wisma MCA. Please feel free to attend the seminar and at the same time appreciate if you could learn more about MCA before passing any uncalled for criticism in the future. Thanks. Jesper
To John,
High praise on your rasional and mature thinking that should be learnt by us especially those who like to simply express their unconstructive critics. MCA wont never forget the lesson from March 08 but most important we learn from it, we change our approach and be more relevant to the rakyat from there! Be unite and we definitely can do it!
恭喜您出任全国组织秘书,向您道喜,也祝您步步高升, 大展鸿图。
thunderkajang,obtain a permit ? Pls don't joke.Standby recorders ? just take a look at those video clip and you will know it was taken by mobile phone.ur 2nd boss admited what he had done not because he has the courage,he just simply can't deny it,but pity him as the latest victim of MCA internal power corrupted !
John,I like ur attitude except the word "uncalled".
thongsau & kajangthunder,don't jealous about DAP,if u guys really learn from the 308 lesson,you will know y we the ordinary malaysian prefer DAP rather than MCA or GERAKAN,syiok sendiri in ur related blog won't change that,only serve the people with conscience and work twice harder is the answer,get rid of the name "son of UMNO" will be the priority.PAY ATTENTION TO THE SOUNDS FROM RAKYAT.
read the blog written by marcus tan
OIC, we, as MCA members respect your right to choose any political party that you think can serve your interests best. We are sad in a way that MCA is not seen as the political party that is able to meet your expectations. However, we are optimistic that with the political changes that are taking place in Malaysia, we should be able to narrow the gap of expectations between the general public like you and MCA. From Independence (1957) until 308, the political reality in Malaysia is that, there was only one overwhelmingly dominant political party in Malaysia, which is UMNO, i.e. the Malays. During this time, we the minority Chinese has two options of dealing with them in getting our interests being taken care of. We can opt for the MCA’s way of negotiating with them. Some people like you will call this method as “kowtow”. But at least we are getting some of our interests being served. Alternatively, you can opt for the confrontational way as deployed by the DAP which allows you to vent your frustration in public and take them head on for policies that are deemed lopsided. However, this method is not getting you any where. The UMNO is so dominant that they can choose to ignore you even if you were screaming your head out. We at MCA are doing the sensible thing. We quietly fight for the Chinese’s rights without much fanfare, even at the expense of burying some of our pride occasionally. Sadly, while this method is definitely the most effective way of serving the interests of the Chinese, we, MCA are suffered in silence as our contributions are ignored by the Chinese community. A portion of the Chinese community also choose to negate our role in ensuring the continuous existence of the Chinese Schools, the dominant economic power of the Chinese, the freedom to practice any faith etc.
After 308, we are talking about CHANGE. With the emergence of PR, the UMNO’s political power is now weakened. We can see that there is a crack in politic along racial-line in Malaysia. We will definitely seize on this opportunity to be more vocal in fighting for the rights of every Malaysian citizen, especially the Chinese. Be patient with MCA, we will not let you down. After all, our continuous relevance and existence is largely hinged on the support of the Chinese community, including you my friend, OIC. Thank you. (Jesper)
1. I never jealous to any party but only appreciate to those who are serving the people consciencely and sincerely which i found a lot in MCA.
2. MCA is definitely not the son of UMNO as they were bornt almost the same era. But if some old timer party greet PKR as 'Big Brother' then it should get rid of the name of "Eldest Son of PKR".
3. Appreciate your kind reminder, MCA is paying attention to rakyat's sound consistantly and responds accordingly.
Warm regards!
To Oic,
John has mentioned the reality and facts which are facing by MCA or the whole Chinese Community in dealing with the dominant racial in Malaysia. We should see it with an open heart and think rationally on our approach to defend our interest without harming other racial in this belove country.
To John,
We the members of MCA will have the confidence and high hope towards the new leadership and our direction towards the changing and self transform is correct and relevant to the latest political circumstances. Bravo!
honestly,i can't say i agree with everything u said.
1.MCA not only unable to meet my expectation BUT MOST CHINESE.
2.Who bring the people to the street ? NOT DAP,UMNO is the answer.UMNO choose to ignore the people but they will pay for it,MLK said he has a dream,his dream come true long after his death but it still happen.
3.I appreciate with the effort from MCA on some issues like chinese school,free faith practising n etc BUT MCA had been given 5 decades to do it,how's the result ? Aren't we patient enough ?
4.Negotiating with UMNO is not the solution if it still appear lopsided.
I am looking forward for a better performance by MCA,CHANGE should not only be a slogan.The next GE is still years ahead,work harder,be stronger when facing UMNO,remind ur boss if they forget their promises during ur party election,then you may gain more support from the chinese.
thanx for your concern.
1.Apparently you are jealous of MPs fr DAP,a good politician will admit their mistake not argue.
2.Ask around y people say MCA is the son of UMNO inspite of we all know both parties were founded almost the same time ? Don't try to convince UMNO dat MCA is younger brother instead of partner.
3.MCA is always paying attention to the sounds from rakyat but I am not sure if it responds accordingly.
FYI,I am from kedah but settle down in sabah since 1993,I never intend to join any political party until they arrest RPK,Theresa n Ms Tan,I told myself,enough is enough,UMNO must be choped down.
I joined SAPP yesterday,y not DAP or PKR ? Simply because I don't trust their region leaders.
I can't predict if DSAI will be a good PM if PR take over but I don't mind to give him a try.I believe RAKYAT should be and must be the boss of the nation,if any leader betray us,PEOPLE's POWER will roll.
thanx for listening,I just wanna to share with you guys how we feel and how we act,peoples like me are reading your blog,pls take note.
Appreciate ur concern for the Rakyat as same as thinking by me too. As a 3rd generation of Malaysia born Chinese, i love this country for more than 34 years and i have a dream like MLT too. Honestly, i also fel that there are plenty of things MCA or other BN components party can do better in order to crate a prosperous and unite country. In policy making or administration system we are trying our best to achieve a win-win situation. I have no comment to DSAI but i believe definitely he is not the best base on various of factors.
Please be patient as the MCA is in the process of reform and i feel that to say chop down UMNO is too early. UNMO needs time to change or cut out the > 50 years cancer cells from the body. I believe u can contribute a lot to SAPP too..
Nice to know u and share with u, dont hesitate to contact me through my email : thunderkajang@gmail.com
Have a nice day!
OIC, M’sian political landscape has changed with the emergence of an alternative strong Malay political alliance. These changes do not come as surprise. One of the reasons that lead to these changes is the expansion of our economy over the years. There is more money to go around now and everyone wants to have a say about how these wealth should be distributed as they are concerned about their well being. I believe more changes will take place in the future.
Back to present, I find your accusations about MCA for not doing anything over the last 50 years inaccurate. Below are some of the things that Malaysian Chinese often take for granted but are currently enjoying:
You can choose to send your children to Chinese medium schools just like about 92% of other Chinese parents who have done so.
There are about 1,500 Chinese students currently pursuing their higher education at various levels under government scholarship.
You may list your company at Kuala Lumpur Stock exchange if your company meets the listing requirements
You may operate any business in Malaysia albeit some require Bumi participation.
All small and medium companies, including Chinese owned companies in Malaysian may apply for government grants and loans.
Our Deputy Sports and Youth Minister is ever ready to loan development funds to young Chinese entrepreneurs.
Religious freedom-
You may choose any faith in Malaysia.
Freedom of travel
You may choose to go anywhere you like including moving from Kedah to Sabah etc.
Do you think MAC did not play our part in ensuring these rights continue to be enjoyed by the Chinese community?
As the saying goes, ‘people tend to notice a tiny black dot on a piece of white cloth rather than the big piece of white cloth itself’.
Regards, Jesper
Dear John,
I agree with ur point as MCA certainly has contribute a lot for us to enjoy a lot of common benefits today. Anyway, I do understand that a lot of young generation today might feel that MCA can do better beyond this as they think we as the citizen should have all these kind of benefit without fighting or 'Kow Tow' to any others. Thats why spirit of social contract should be understand where alot of tolerance has been made in order for this multi racial society to acchive independent. In various aspect we maintain our small part of share but the threaten from the dominant will always been feel as some irresponsible politician playing out the sensitive issues. I feel that MCA or other component party have to be more vocal but not in extreme way to express the community concern and the most important thing is the willingness from the dominant side to change their mind set to accept this. The political system or structure shall be review and the freedom and fairness under the democracy system should be strenghten up together by all the political parties in the nation! If each people still using racial politic as foundation or platform, the roads towards MLK is still far...
Regards, Thunderkajang.
Welcome to use here as a platform to voice
Constructive views....keep up
Thunderkajang,I believe MCA is in the progress of reform,ok,its late than never,but it has to be done fast enough.Change for UMNO ? Fr top to the bottom of UMNO is full of cancer cells, hopeless, esspecially Najis is the leader,UMNO will change,but become worst,UMNO is a big burden for MCA.Be aware,he will bath his kriss with chinese blood.
Thunderkajang,I am 100% agree with ur said to John.cheers
John,First of all,I wanna to make clear that I DIDn"T accuse MCA done nothing in the past,but I did said MCA acchived too little in 50 years.
Education-I am also a victim among those couldn't enter the local U with poor parent couldn't afford to send us study over sea,I am just a SPM holder today.Whose fault ? Not my parent,not me and not MCA,you might agree with my answer...UMNO ! MCA only able to help a few chineses,there were too many left behind.
Economy-Malaysia could had done much better than what we have today if there are no such stupid policy like NEP,infact who benefitted ? I spoke to many Bumi frens,malay,kandazan and etc,they gave me the same answer-ONLY a few elites from UMNO.
Freedom of travel-I don't know why you mention this,Don't you know even communism allow it ? I been travelled around in more than 10 ASIA countries as a backpacker for the last couple of years and just came back early this year,trust me,I know the meaning of freedom of travel better than you do.
Religious Freefom-Tell me if there are countries that's no religious freedom,if there are,please name it for me coz i have no idea about that.
My comment on yesterday had said that I still appreciate for the effort from MCA on certain issues but the problem is too little for 50 long years,when those former UMNO leaders were robbing the rakyat $,your former BOSS rotten fishhead did it along with them instead of stop them.I am glad that his sons are out in your recent PE.OKT was doing better than his former boss but still too chicken to speak for chinese,he could do better but he didn't.OTK was very good while he was incharged for the youth,I am looking forward for him to maintain his character after he get the #1 seat but seems like internal unity will be his 1st challenge.rgds.
As i understand Communism or Marxism countries dont allow religious in principal but nowadays China didnt enforce it very tie.
Let OTK settle down the internal problem in soonest time, if u and me and many others have hope towards him, this will be his strength to move forward...
We also looking forward that the party will 'slim down' itself and have a new structural review at the same time. Only agressive but not drastic reform will rescue MCA before it manages to change Rakyat's mind.
There are only very few ristriction for religious practice in communism countries today.CHINA-As long as they don't show the photo or poster of H.H.Dalai Lama at home or in the monastry,no big deal.LAOS-peoples wake up early in the morning just to wait for their turn to offer food to the monks on the street.NEPAL-MAOIST won the first ever fair election early this year,they allow their people to practice their own faith as usual.Vietnam-This is the only communism country that I ever been to but still try to keep their people away from practice any religion.
MALAYSIA-The appearance of HINDRAF cause the Political Tsunami,temples demolishment was the main issue.The Guan Yin status in Penang was built not to scale also proved that buddhism is bully.
The project of Ma Choh status in Kudat,Sabah is the latest case,SHAME on Malaysia as a democracy state.rgds.
1. Thanks for the info of communist countries' religious status.
2. The Penang Guan Yin status not up to scale issue i have no comment, but feel is unfair to just say that Buddhism had been bully as we can freely practising buddhism in nation wide. Its structural or other technical factors may also cause it.
3. Hindraf is not an religion issue but more to a racial issue after been politicalized by many parties. In fact Hindraf issue dont have direct relation with Indian temple demolishment issue, just unfortunely it involve the same Indian community.
4. Will appreciate if u can update me more about the Sabah Mah Choh status.
thanks and regards.
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