一转眼间 2008 年又要过去了
2008 年 是非常忙碌的一年
每个人都会疲惫不堪 我也一样
现在2008 年又要过去了 迎来的是2009年
很多人很悲观 人家说这是经济很坏的一年
当然从政治概况来看 也有很多人说这是多事之秋的一年
国家将会在三月换领导人 有人说这是希望的开始
白色圣诞忘记了 元旦新年也不重要了
提供了一个平台让党内同志沉淀 为将来的改变准备
经济不景也一样 可能提供一个平台让企业沉淀
当然过程会是痛苦的 但火凤凰就是这样重生的
所以迎向2009年 做个明确的目标 让自己向前走
4 months ago
For me, the year 2008 make me feel all kind of feelings such as:-
1. Politic Tsunami nearly change the rulling coalition in Malaysia and it succesfully make every heart so heavy, everyone worrying this and that ...a lot of rumous and hot shows with no ending!
2. The economic recession actually change the style of consumption in the market and change the economic trend in the future.The problem is until now most of the specialist mentioned that there's no any good solution for this recession, at least in these 2, 3 years. Definitely it brings serious impact to the global political scenario.
3.The 2008 Beijing Olympic Game has brought us a lot of joys and hopes! The whole world feel proud and we realize that under the true spirit of sport, human beeing actually can live and compete in a very harmony circumstamces.
4. The natural disaster incidents over the year actually is an indication from God, that we should always be humble and faithful to the God. The power of nature is so great and we must reduce or stop any action which is dismay by the God. God keep on reminding us about the meaning of life although some of us may have forgotten.....
Please always remember that times never stop, it's not the matter of 2008 or 2009 or 2010. Live happily and dignitary is the only way to deal with time and our heart! Always be ourselve!
Warm regards.
Before 2008 drawing to a close, the year is still embroiled with controversies especially whenever an edict (Fatwah) is being issued. The latest edict prohibiting Muslims from practicing Yoga, an ancient form of art combining meditation and stretching exercises dated back more than 5000 years is perplexing.
It is regrettable that the National Fatwah Council has employed a very narrow view of Yoga while ignoring its wider implications on our multi racial society as a whole.
Prohibiting Muslims from practicing Yoga has deprived our society an avenue for racial integration where Muslims are now not allowed to join their non-Muslim friends in Yoga classes. This is another step taken by those with religious influence to further disintegrate our multi racial society. While it has been very rare to see Muslims patronizing Chinese eatery places nowadays, a barrier is now being erected by the religious authority to prevent various races from exercising together.
It is my hope that the government will not bowed to the pressure of this religious group in the name of Islam at the expense of racial integration in our beloved country. This religious authority is the main culprit in the ever waning harmonious relationship among the various races, not other factors including Chinese medium schools as claimed by certain irresponsible parties.
In Chinese medium schools, we welcome everyone, regardless of races to study together without any racial connotation. We encourage students of various races to integrate. On the contrary, certain religious authorities in our beloved country are always pre-occupied with decrees that may lead to destruction of harmonious racial relationship in our country by forbidding Muslims from integrating with other races.
This latest edict by National Fatwah Council in banning Muslims from practicing Yoga has further hurt the racial relationship in our country. In addition, it certainly neither promote Malaysia as a moderate Muslim country nor helping it achieving Vision 2020.
John, i share the same feeling with u in this issue and i think many others who are also rational in thinking will have a very sad and heavy heart responding to this issue. In fact last night some of my friends also felt dispointed and annoy!
In this beloving country, many efforts have been taken by those who had been really sacrified to promote national integration and unity since 50 years back. But some extremist whether in private group or gov. link body had frequently utilized the religious and racial issue under their own justification without ignoring the implication to the country. Thus, i hope the geovernment shall review some of its policy and re-adjust them accordingly to suit the purpose of national unity and integration. Believe me or not, we won't achieve that kind of high democracy spirit as in some developed countries such as Obama case, if the mentality of ourselve still remain the same narrow scope. How do u expect a representative from non dominant group to lead the country if we are still cant resolve the conflict arisen from different religion believing? The road to a really harmony and unite nation is still far away...
At this critical moment, every member of MCA including top leaders should stop any unnecessary arguement on government portfolio issue. The chinese community will continuously feel very disappointed and no more confidence to a party which they have sent a very clear message before. When the Rakyat feel 'heart die' to u, then u have no more value to sustain longer, this is a a very simple fact.
Too much of personal political agenda to achieve personal interest despite the common interest is the most dangerous poison in a organization. Although it is human's basic instint to gain most benefit for him/herself but in politic we must respect the organization and its regulation. Before we ask what have the organization had brought to us, better we touch our heart and ask ourselve what have we done for the organization and public? Always remember that the organization never owe us anything, it is belong to everybody and nobody is owing any other people anything. If our mentality is not correct, we wont go far and the organization definitely wont be strong. What is the meaning to have short term pleasure but consequently we will lost the future? Therefore, effective political training program is the vital approach to cultivate a good culture and environment in an organization.
Look at MCA Pahang contigent, old folks conquer. No future at all
Jason Wong
mca, taman impian emas, skudai, johor
A. 蔡细历医生
经过听其言, 观其行. 最后决定是可以支持蔡细历医生. 现在的蔡医生比较勇敢, 也会用少许智慧. 他不象总会长常常顾左右而言它. 蔡医生也很现实, 准备三年后挑战总会长, 但现在不露风声, 暗中布局. 马华两大巨头, 不需要合作, 也不需要内斗, 只需要良性竞争, 马华便有希望.
B. 马华的固本培元
1. 内阁中的内阁, 展现治国能力.
房屋及地方政府部: 拿督斯里黄家泉
交通部: 拿督翁诗杰
妇女、家庭与社会发展部: 拿督黄燕燕医生
卫生部: 拿督廖中莱
财政部: 拿督江作汉
国内安全部: 拿督曹智雄
教育部: 魏家祥博士
高教部: 何国忠博士
团结、文化、艺术与文物部: 邓文村
青年及体育部: 黄日升
2. 妇女组的发展空间, 下一次选举, 选战更细化, 女选票将左右大局.
3. Aim for 10% vote swing, 增加到二十五个国会席位, 才能立足一方.
C. 马华的命运
不管是内部协商, 还是高调争取; 留在或者退出国阵, 马华始终只不过是别人的一子棋. 它到底还有多少剩余价值, 这就必须看现在是谁在下这盘棋.
1. 翁诗杰总会长布局, 用别人不用的人, 掌控大局. 没有遵循常理常规, 他用人之道, 不需要告诉全世界. 总会长要全世界意会的是: 马华需要的是一次意识思维的突破. 虽然马华只有十五个国会议席, 但在翁总的领导下的马华, 没有什么事情是不可能的.
2. 翁总知老蔡: 翁总知道老蔡在太舒适的环境下, 便会犯错. 老蔡现在的长处是打翻身战, 便将老蔡迫到一角, 让他監督看好政府, 结果老蔡也做的有声有色. 翁总也算准老蔡知道马华只有十五个国会议席, 不敢内斗, 如果老蔡有能力, 便必须将翁蔡炒成蔡翁.
3. 现在政府中巫统是老大, 东马势力是老二, 马华是老三. 虽然马华只有十五个国会议席, 但它是继巫统, 公正党之后, 第三个有能力筹组新联合政府的政党. 它和公正党, 回教党, 火箭党没有深仇; 和其他十来个政党又长年称兄道弟. 四海之内,皆兄弟也, 没有什么事情是不可 ’协商’ 的. 十五的月亮是最圆的, 关键的少数才是关键.
翁总处处险招, 又处处高招. 翁总是时势造就的英雄, 但这位英雄能否造就时势? 怕只怕, 他眼高手低, 一时大意, 错失良机.
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